In life we have choices.
We can choose to give up our motivation and blame the circumstances when times get tough OR we can choose to make it work through any circumstance life throws our way.
Don’t Take it for Granted!
It is so important for us to recognize and appreciate how valuable our health is. We have to take care of our bodies so that our bodies are strong and fierce and able to fight for us through life’s curveballs.
The next time you think to yourself “I can’t workout or eat right, there’s just too much going on and I’m not motivated.” Consider this: You’re sick and your body tells you “I can’t heal you, there’s just too much going on and I’m not motivated.”.... Just a food for thought. Your health is your wealth. Let that be your motivation.
Forming a Lifestyle
Living a healthy lifestyle is hard work, but having a strong routine can make all the difference. Believe in yourself. Be your biggest supporter. It takes ninety days to turn a habit into a lifestyle. That’s three months. Dedicate yourself to three months of healthier habits and I promise you won’t want to stop. Is it going to be easy? No. Is it going to be worth it? Absolutely.
Do it for You
Remember that you have to make this decision for yourself, because YOU want it. If you decide to change your lifestyle on anyone else’s terms, it just simply will not work. Think about where you want to be in five years, ten years...even twenty! Happy, healthy and unrestricted by a life built on bad habits.
Believe it or not, the physical challenges of this journey aren’t the hardest part. The most rewarding progress you make will be in your mindset. Your mindset is the core of all your actions. It’s where you form all of your habits. The root of your physical struggles lie deep beneath the surface and it’s your job to pinpoint the underlying issues that so heavily influence the emotional decisions you’re making.
Motivation is not something that we wake up with every day. Motivation comes and goes. The challenge we face is doing the things that are good for us even when we don’t feel like it. Nothing good comes easy! Stay disciplined. Keep pushing yourself.
Made For Me Fitness is online personal training made just for you. Unlike other fitness programs, every workout and meal plan is completely tailored to your goals, your body, and your schedule. Sign up today!