How to Boost Your Metabolism


“I have a slow metabolism.” Sound familiar?

Metabolism describes all of the chemical processes that go on continuously inside your body to keep you alive and your organs functioning normally. This includes breathing, repairing cells and digesting food.

Body size, age, gender and genes all play a role in the speed of your metabolism. Muscle cells require more energy to maintain than fat cells, so people with more muscle than fat tend to have a faster metabolism.

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There are many diets and ideas that suggest eating 7 small meals a day can “speed up” your metabolism. However, the only thing that can increase caloric expenditure is actually burning more calories through daily activity and exercise. We tend to eat much more than we think and fail to consider how little we move which may make it seem as though we aren’t doing anything wrong.

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Something else that may be effecting your metabolism is your thyroid. Hyper or hypothyroid syndrome could be the reason for rapid weight gain or weight loss despite a change in eating habits. If you think you have a problem with your thyroid it’s absolutely worth speaking to your doctor about! Otherwise, start moving, start tracking calories and get your body working!

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Not sure where to start? Get in touch. Our custom Made For Me Fitness programs will teach you all the right habits to boost that stubborn metabolism!

Made For Me Fitness is online personal training made just for you. Unlike other fitness programs, every workout and meal plan is completely tailored to your goals, your body, and your schedule. Sign up today!